
搜索"a little"找到的小说 (Page1)

《a little story》 / 夏束 / 同人衍生

美食评论员黄x早茶店主喻 清水甜饼
全职[全职高手] - 黄喻 同人衍生 - 小说同人 - BL
短篇 - 完结

《A Little Princess》 / 弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特 / 英文

... and the shop windows blazed with gas as they do at night, an odd- looking little girl sat in a cab with her father and was driven rather slowly through the big thoroughfares. She sat with her feet tucked under her, and leaned against her father, who held her in his arm, as she stared out of the win...

《A Light in the Attic》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 英文

The Little Boy and the Old ManSaid the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon.Said the old man, I do that too.The little boy whispered, I wet my pants.I do that too, laughed the little old man.Said the little boy, I often cry.The old man nodded, So do I.But worst of all, said the boy, it seemsGrown-u...

《Little HOUSE in the BIG WOODS》 / 劳拉·英格尔斯·怀德 / 英文

...有益处的高价值图书。 Laura Ingalls's story begins in 1871 in a little log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin. Four-year-old Laura lives in the little house with her Pa, her Ma, her sisters Mary and Carrie, and their trusty dog, Jack. Pioneer life is sometimes hard, since the f...

《Paradise》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

...pty, so when he meets three gorgeous lingerie models -- half his age and a little down on their luck -- at a Lexington Avenue bar, it seems perfectly natural to invite them to move in. The situation, they point out, has the structure of a male fantasy. Simon's houseguests prove to be surprisingly pe...

《Tigana》 / 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 / 英文

... your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out; if it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.George Seferis, Stratis the Sailor Describes a Man

《Dear little Fish》 / Andre Dahan / 寓言

Dear little fish, I love you soI’ll feed you bread so you will grow.Each day, I’ll give you one sweet kissAnd promise you I’ll never miss!But on the day , my dear little fish,You grow too big for your small dish.

《Little Secrets》 / 砚鸦 / 耽美

现代 温柔细心外国人攻X软弱谨慎孤儿受 HE

《The little prince》 / 相卿 / 耽美


《My little prince》 / 魍生 / 同人衍生

《火焰之纹章:风花雪月》(Fire Emblem: ThreeHouses) - 帝弥托利x贝雷特 同人衍生 - BL - 完结 - HE
肉渣 - 游戏同人 - 短篇

《【第五人格】my little rose》 / 墨宸影 / 言情

我是如此地渴求你。 在这深不见底的黑暗中,日渐膨胀的占有欲,几乎让我发疯。

《My little bird》 / 六水的淼淼 / 同人衍生

明日方舟[明日方舟] - 博士/异客 同人衍生 - 游戏同人 - BL
短篇 - 完结

