
搜索"life is strange"找到的小说 (Page1)

《Life Is Beautiful》 / 折柳君-三七 / 原创小说

原创小说 - 西方 - 无CP - 短篇

《Life Is Beautiful》 / 猛男恰肉 / 原创小说

原创小说 - BL - 短篇 - 完结
悲剧 - 现代 - 致郁 - 暗黑

《The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt(Excerpt)》 / 威廉·格纳齐诺 / 英文

...rs that he teeters on the brink of insanity, he good-naturedly pursues the strange twists of fate that land him variously behind a table at the flea market, in a newspaper office, by the banks of a flooded river, or in a friends bed. As Peter von Matt wrote in Der Spiegel, Indeed, there is hardly a ...

《The Story of My Life》 / 海伦·凯勒 / 英文

An American classic rediscovered by each generation, The Story of My Life is Helen Keller’s account of her triumph over deafness and blindness. Popularized by the stage play and movie The Miracle Worker, Keller’s story has become a symbol of hope for people all over the world. This book publishe...

《Walden》 / 亨利·大卫·梭罗 / 英文

Walden (also known as Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American. Published in 1854, it details Thoreau's life for two years and two months in second-growth forest around the shores of Walden Pond, not far from his friends and family i...

《Desiree's Diary(Book One)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

...aid. And she was sorry for him, because love and peace had no place in his life. In her own life she found true love, with Jean Bernadotte. But in those days a soldier's wife had little peace, especially if her husband dared to quarrel with Napoleon.Some people write their diaries every day. Others ...

《The Mill on the Floss》 / 乔治·艾略特 / 英文

...f whose incidents and main characters come directly from the author is own life, explores the conflicts of love and loyalty and the friction between desire and moral rsponsibility.Written in 1860, The Mill on the Floss was instantly popular. The values of England is growing middle-class society are ...

《Desiree's Diary(Book Two)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

Bernadottes new position now takes Desiree to the royal court of Sweden. Life there is very hard for the silk merchants daughter who almost married Napoleon in Marseilles. She is happier in Paris, even without her family. But Napoleon is still jealous of her husband. When he and Desiree meet, there ...

《And Now, And Here》 / 奥修 / 英文

...a calamity, Osho also throws light on the paradoxical relationship between life and death. In addition, the reader is lead through Osho’s specially devised meditation related to the experience of death, techniques to increase awareness and to recall past lives.

《My Name is Red》 / 奥尔罕·帕慕克 / 英文

...ere he was born, but in a city like Istanbul there are already hundreds of lifetimes of stories yet to be told. Still, at the bridge between Europe and Asia it can seem that almost much of the far away worlds has already passed through these famous narrows, and traces still lay collecting in the cit...

《交换游戏》 / thirty6 / 精品

她说我们来玩一个游戏吧。在这段关系里我们等价交换,身体,关怀,什么都好。他问那怎么判断输赢呢?谁先动心,谁就输了。But my life is a willow and it bent right to your wind

《The Notebook》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文

...is I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. And so begins one of the most poignant and compelling...

